Greetings from the ACHE Navy Regent! I am sending this note to maximize awareness of the 2024 ACHE Congress Attendee Data Call released by the Corps Chiefs Office last week. BSO-18 commands have been tasked through ETMS2; the Tasker ID is DON-231017-QZ42. The data sheet can be found here, and the tasker information can be found here. Please disseminate widely, including Navy members at non-BSO 18 commands in your area.
Here is some amplifying information to support your decision-making regarding the Data Call, including critical dates, registration info, and more. Participation in professional development organizations, such as ACHE, have been shown to increase employee commitment, engagement, and retention. Encouraging your staff to participate goes beyond skill enhancement; it builds trust in your organization as you invest in your team.
My leadership teams, the Regent Advisory Council and the LEAPS Committee, are standing by to answer questions; contact info is at the end of this note.
Key Dates:
a. Data Call for Attendees: Due 30 November 2023.
b. Congress Registration: Begins 15 November 2023 at https://www.ache.org/congress.
Hotel room blocks, including those at Government Rates at the conference hotels, will also open on 15 November 2023. We strongly advise those who intend to attend to make cancelable room reservations early, as they often fill up before the conference package is approved.
a. Submissions for ACHE Regent and Joint Federal Sector Award nominations: Due dates TBD between November and January; keep an eye out for subsequent announcements.
b. Congress and LEAPS dates are contained in the tasker announcement.
Attendee Prioritization:
a. We aim to encourage and enable maximum participation wherever possible, balancing mission requirements with professional development.
b. Approval at the Navy organization level will be prioritized, if necessary, in accordance with the criteria list in the tasker.
c. Members of the Regent Advisory Council and the LEAPS Committee, especially those with leadership responsibilities within these teams, should be prioritized for attendance where possible.
d. Please consider a broad target audience, including executive leaders of other Corps, midlevel leaders interested in FACHE, new and interested Officers, Enlisted leaders, and candidates for commissioning programs.
a. Our new central hub, https://www.achenavyregent.com/, is in continuous development; please check back often and subscribe for the latest updates.
LEAPS Registration, once live, will be completed at https://www.achenavyregent.com/leaps. This will be the site for mentorship and detailing appointment signups as well.
a. Contact us through the website at https://www.achenavyregent.com/contact-2 ; the Regent Gmail address, achenavyregent@gmail.com ; or at Richard.j.bly.mil@us.navy.mil
My leadership team fully engages in providing you with the most fulfilling experience possible with ACHE and making the 2024 ACHE Congress and LEAPS the best yet. Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions or feedback.
On behalf of my team:
LCDR Megan Hinton, RAC Vice President
LCDR Mike Sokolowski, Director of Finance
LT Kionna Myles, Director of Strategic Communications
LCDR Ed Roberts, Chair, Recruitment Committee
LCDR Nhu Do, Chair, Engagement Committee
LT Aaron Abreu, Chair, Advancement Committee
LCDR Curtis Hollie, Chair, Lewis E. Angelo Professional Symposium